The Beginning

This is my first post on this blog, but it is not my first post ever.  I actually have another blog called, and it is mostly used to chronicle my life as the mother of an Aspie.  If you are not familiar with the term Aspie, it is a cute way of saying someone with Asperger’s Syndrome.  My son was diagnosed with this almost 2 years ago. 

But this blog is intended to be about the rest of my life.  I’m sure I will hit on some autism spectrum topics since that is a huge part of my life, but there is so much more. 

So, here is a recap of the last eight or so years of my life, and this will catch you up to where I am now.  In 2006, I had my daughter.  To save you the math, I was 19 years old.  In 2008, I was married and had my son, and my new husband adopted my daughter.  In 2010, my next son was born.  In 2013, I got custody of my niece.  I know your minds are swarming with numbers…this means I have an 8 year old daughter, a 5 year old son, a 4 year old son and a 4 year old niece.  Yes, my hands are full, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! 🙂

After six hard years of marriage, my husband and I decided to call it quits.  Everything is separated, time with the kids included.  One thing I never thought I would ever be is divorced, but it seems that I’ll be eating crow on that one.  I’m not bitter or angry, I think I just feel (today at least) like it’s both of us moving on to places where we are meant to be.  No one is completely at fault, we both made mistakes.  Life goes on, blah blah blah.

Another change going on is the transition from being home with the kids to having all four kids in school and starting a career.  I am a writer, and my first book was just published.  Exciting!!!  And now I have to let go of my four little security blankets and actually be myself!  That part is terrifying!  I don’t know how everything is going to turn out.  Will I be successful?  Will my kids be okay?  Will I fall apart into a million tiny pieces and accidentally get swept into someone’s trash can?  Who knows?  But all I can do is take it one day at a time.  Don’t roll your eyes!  That’s all you can do, too! 

So, welcome to my journey, and I hope you enjoy this crazy, messy, loud, happy ride! 

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