Monthly Archives: September 2014

Hello, Strangers

So, I know it has been a few weeks since I have written anything.  I have been on sabbatical in an attempt to find myself.  Does that sound like a good excuse?  No?  Well, my real excuse is much worse.  I have gotten a bit busy with life.  *Yikes!*

I started a new job, which I thoroughly enjoy!  I am part of a program that helps feed hungry children.  Yay for helping others!  Also, a lot has been going on in my home…not anything serious, just the stress of separation and the stress of children and, oh!  the stress of being me.  Yes, if I could run away from myself, I would.

In the midst of all the drama and anxiety, I have found myself strangely at peace with everything.  I am rocking this “one day at a time” bologna, and I am quite proud of myself for maintaining the supermom image.  I’m not saying that I’m actually a supermom, but somehow I am managing to pull off this life (for now at least).  Ask me again in a day or too.

One thing I have been working on is becoming a better person in many different ways…physically, mentally, career-wise, yadda yadda yadda.  But a huge area I have missed is becoming a better writer.  How could you miss that?  That is your number one passion!  Well, folks, I have overlooked it.  It hasn’t been because I think I’m a fantastic writer or anything.  It’s not because I don’t think I can grow anymore as a writer.  It’s simply because I have been stuck in a rut.  I went back and read many of my recent stories/novel attempts, and they all are essentially the same – dark and twisty (thank you Meredith Grey for that term).

But every talent needs a bit of variety, right?  So, I decided to challenge myself.  30 days of short stories!  Every day for 30 days, I am going to try to write a short story…which, if you’re a genius at math like I am, means I will have 30 stories at the end of this challenge.  Short stories are not difficult for me seeing as I write pretty much every spare minute I have.  But the challenge is to make each story different.  *gasp* Can she do it?  I hope so!

As part of my writing style, I use my typewriter.  No, not the cute, antique 1950s style…the giant, clunky, electric 90s style.  Oh yeah, I’m cool!  However, I encountered a problem tonight when starting my story…my ribbon thingy (I have no clue what it’s really called)  needs to be replaced!  So, no sexy nerdy typewriter typing tonight for this girl.  I will have to settle for this laptop.  *boo*  So, in search for a new ribbon, I have come across hundreds, no thousands, no millions of pictures of beautiful antique typewriters!  Google will do that to you.  I think I’m going to start collecting them!  I know!  It’s a marvelous idea!  🙂  I always wanted something to collect and be obsessed with other than dust or juice boxes.  And now I have figured out the perfect collection hobby!  As you can probably tell, I am quite excited about this!  I also have decided that if I am to ever get married again (not likely)  I would like instead of an engagement ring, a 1950s pink typewriter.  1950s pink royalOkay?  Did you all get that?

Well, I suppose that is enough catch-up for tonight!  Hope you all are having an amazing week! 🙂